me n liping at queensway
bio today was so relaxing, and it was the first time ii feel tat time pass so fast during bio. ii was happily fixing this cube thing when the teacher was teaching. not sure whether he got noticed it, even if he does, he wont care cos tink he given up on sum of us le, haha... ii managed tuh have finish 1 side at a time, but not two sia.
after skool went queensway wif syahril n liping tuh collect klass t-shirt. so broke today, brought too little money tuh skool+_+.the bus ride dere is damn long can, make miie feel lyk puking... the ppl print quite lyk shit lor, sum names cant see clearly one. n they eat up my 'S', shit tuh them! slack a while den took bus back tuh panjang tuh change bus. liping went off n left miie wif syahril tuh wait for 67. the bus was freaking long man, den finally it came... and guess wat, it was bloody hell packed wif ppl la, so we nvr board tat bus... we decided tuh go panjang interchange tuh take 975 but when we was walking up the bridge, another 67 came, so unlucky can. friday is racial harmony day, maybe gonna wear malay's clothing eh~