went study wif hariz, khai n syahril today. the reason is cos ii dn feel lyk staying at hme lor. meet up wif hariz at cck n den head tuh the library tuh chat n wait for khai. he's super slow can. den went under blk tuh study n do work. syahril came after tat. forget tuh add, while going tuh the blk, the two crazy guys was lyk kip doing those sort of wolf sound, lol. all i can say is they watch too much of youtube stuffs. struggling tuh do eng compre which was super hard. discuss abt the chalet things n call here n dere for info. den hariz went off first. n we strugle till 5plus for english n play cards after tat. syahril is super lousy, still wan laugh at me at first, haha. khai's hand damn lucky, kip getting gd cards. den went lot 1 tuh find the dunno wat machine for chalet thing. search till damn long den found it. syahril went hme cos his mum ask him go hme, lol.
slacked wif khai at interhange bicycle slot dere till 8plus. tok alot of things which ii din realli noe abt it. his bus came but ii ask him dun board yet, hah. den toking half way my bus came. n ii just say bye tuh him n board the bus, haha. his face damn shocked can. he's a good guy, veri gentlemen, lol. dun say ii nvr give u anything in return eh~ k la, give euu face, ii'm 'attracted' tuh euu ok, nt gy who is attracted tuh u, haha.