Wednesday, February 6, 2008
went out wif cliques ytd. intended to go pasirris but den in the end went orchard, wahaha. i was late for 30 mins ytd, wohoo, i noe i'm slow. will try to change alrite=)bought some accessories at far east. den travel here n dere to diff places yeah.
the so call 'shit fish'

oh ya, cant leave out this. that bloody girl's bag is spoilt ytd, wohoo!!! complain somemore to your boyfren la, ah haha. and i bought another red cardigan and necklace at bugis cos the previous cardigan i bought is abit loose la. so lyk waste my fucking money buy again. who cares la, is my parents money, wahaha. happy new year ppl=)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
hang out wif syah, sham, yf and hizam just now. i mean ytd's dinner. ask them to meet me at 5 below my hse but den the three malays reach at 4pm, lol. so they waited an hour for me, wahaha. so syahril is nt my fault, is you eh=) cant stand the guys when walking to lot one. super idiotic eh, haha. and forgot to add, pervert too. slack in lohn john lyk 2hrs. den saw my bro dere somemore, haha. his reaction is lyk super funni can;'oh my god, oh my god!'. then went to quite many shops ask this and that but in the end we nvr buy, the salesperson sure feel lyk slapping us la. make them waste their saliva sei, pity them, haha. went the pasam malan there cos syah wan buy things for his mother. not but, is HELP to buy, haha. den we lyk idiots went to play the games dere. fucking expensive sei, $3 per game. they say all the cans down win but den they cheat our feelings. is actually the cans must drop to the back. they bloody lyk blackshop. tat dumb syahril still can spend nearly ten dollars playing. still gt ppl behind scold us crazy ppl, fuck them man, haha. gonna go sleep. oh ya, ppl rememer to take a look at the 'NIKE WOMAN' ads eh. gdnite=)
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
i so hate using laptop. it always shut down due to low batt without me noticing, lyk duh. at least show a big notice to warn me to charge it. yesterday was a pathethic day AGAIN. no electricity due to tat stupid life renovation. but went out wif my mom to imm cos she wanted to buy dunno wat stuffs. but ended up she bought 2 bosters, lol. i lyk gg out wif her, she always ask me whether i nid to buy anything. sounds lyk i'm taking advantage, wahaha. i so miss skool!!! at least dere's sth to occupy my free times. but no homework of cos. all i can do now is to wait for the bloody letter for poly stuffs. i'm rotting lyk shit at hme. shall go watch some movies wif mr fai on thursday maybe cos i couldnt make it to acc him a few times, haha. felt guilty but he's so gg treat me to movie~ rite MR CHONG LI PNG?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
the first time i cry for my frens. cried ytd after seeing sham's msg tat he maybe retaining and just nw when he msn wif me. most frens are gg diff paths. but we will be frens forever eh. the cliques are behind u, sham n khai. work hard n get gd results for 5/3=) now, dere's still a grp of us still struggling wif poly thing. hope we all can get inside poly eh, just try. u nvr noe the results. keep in contact even we are nt in same skool. 'A friend is one who walks in when others walk out', so give ur frens their support wherever they want to go eh. Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life and i totally agree wif tat. just dun forget me eh esp the cliques n best bud pris. work hard in banking too. good luck ppl=)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
gt back results. all i can say is fuck to tat bloody angmoh skool. i failed my maths, lol. i evn pass my science can which is the subject i swear to myself i will fail. super unbelievable. my results is super lot worse than my brother. so feel lyk killing him for being so clever. the courses for me to choose frm is super pathetic becos i fail my maths. fuck maths. our klass results quite bad oso. kinda feel sad for them who have work hard. i dun feel sad for myself cos i din study so wat for feel sad when i din wan to study in the first place. still considering where to go. seriously, i cant really find any courses i lyk. will see how for the next few days. if u are curious abt my results. here's it:engB4, chineseA2, combined humanB3, scienceC6 and mathsD7[fuck]. as for bio, dere's no nid to sayF9.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
my mom's birthday today n my brother's birthday tml. those who noe them both must be broke now, wahaha. went play basketball wif mr chong tis morning. he keep wanting me to play wif him since i started work 2 weeks before. my skills nt bad hor mr chong, haha. just came home frm lot one. bought 5kfc meals. wanted to bought pizzahut but the offer nw is newyr pizza, so not nice wan. getting back results tml, waiting for ssssoooooooooo long already. can already feel tat the results will nt be gd la. but who cares, must look on the bright side of life=) thanx for those who wish me good luck eh. appreciate it alot althought i noe results will be lyk shit. update tml when i gt the result. bye n good luck to me n others~
my mom's birthday today n my brother's birthday tml. those who noe them both must be broke now, wahaha. went play basketball wif mr chong tis morning. he keep wanting me to play wif him since i started work 2 weeks before. my skills nt bad hor mr chong, haha. just came home frm lot one. bought 5kfc meals. wanted to bought pizzahut but the offer nw is newyr pizza, so not nice wan. getting back results tml, waiting for ssssoooooooooo long already. can already feel tat the results will nt be gd la. but who cares, must look on the bright side of life=) thanx for those who wish me good luck eh. appreciate it alot althought i noe results will be lyk shit. update tml when i gt the result. bye n good luck to me n others~
Saturday, January 19, 2008

okay fuck i just erase all the things i wrote i just one second. so i have to repeat all over again, wtf. i'm just back frm outing. a funni thing happen. was suppose to go to cine to meet up wif them but den realise i dunno how to go dere frm heeren, wahaha. i noe i'm stupid but sometimes ppl tend to be forgetful can. so call up liping n ask her, haha. i noe it's opposite but who noes the building cannot be seen frm heeren, haha. kbox till 7plus den head to a jap restaurant in taka. the price of the food dere is wonderful can. but of cos the food taste nice la except the soup too salty onli. i wonder if they add some 'special' ingredients in it, haha. chatted in dere becos mr toh is so worried abt his future in poly. cant tok much today cos of tat bloody ulcer on my tongue. althought onli little ppl went today but still fun la cos seldom get to hang together cos they say i've been mia-ing since last yr october or so, haha. i feel so weird repeating it all over again. the 'mood' to blog gone can. my blog have virus? hah, din realise it. den everyone who visit my blog can say goodbye man.
results day is real soon. but still nt veri sure when is it, so lousy can. hope can pass. just a borderline pass i will be super satisfied. alrite, i got a fucking ulcer on my tongue. when i talk so pain can. and when i eat, i can onli bite the food wif the tooth on the left. lyk old people sei. i'm lyk so free since i quit. still haven visit my frens yet when i say i will, haha. blame it on the adult fare ppl. but if i take bus nid onli 55cents cos i show them my e-zlink pretend tat i'm still a student, haha. heard tat some drivers will check details but i noe dere's still some kind souls in the world. gonna go bath if nt i will be late again n again unless my watch arrvies frm ass sham, wahahaa~
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
oh yea, i just went to perm n cut my hair this morning=) lyk after so long can. my hair is lyk short now, cant even touch my ass hah. ytd went spore poly for one event. quite fun la but it's lyk onli me n weepeng frm cckss. today after doing my hair quickly went hair change n doll up to meet syahril. he somemore later than me sei. went fareast cos me n liping wanna buy cardigan but dere wan lyk so expensive sei. so headed to bugis den meet harriz dere. took 67 hme. i swear the journet damn long can. half way i already wanna vomit, haha. tat's my weakness. shall post the foto we took on bus after liping send me eh. mostly is me, syah n liping onli cos we sit tgt. n i look so white beside *ahem*. wahahaa=)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
woke up super early today. 10am plus. maybe to me early onli. online all the way till dinner den slept at 9pm. woke up by toh weepeng call can, haha. abt tml thing. oh ya, i'm a adult already. cos e-zlink expire n change to adult fare. fucking expensive can. the cost of 1 ride for adult is actually equal to 2 rides for student. soon changing back to student cos ite still student ma, hah. ite is the best sei=)
Monday, January 14, 2008
last day of work today. happy n sad eh. gonna rest at hme tml cos sure sleep till damn late wan can. den gg sp for one event on tuesday. wed gg bowling n shopping. thurs or fri gg play bball wif mr ahpek chong cos he insisted me to play wif him, hah. sat maybe gg kbox wif drama ppl. sunday, erm... see hw la. after quitting lyk very busy sei, haha.
must wear tis everyday sei if nt ppl dunno i work dere, ahaha.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
last day on sunday if i'm nt wrong. n syahril n ah fai cuming down to accompany for lunch=) abit regret i quit the job but too bad now. plaza sing is kinda far la. frm the third day i work onwards always late sei, ah haha. althought i sleep lyk 8 or 9 hrs everyday but lyk still nt enough, haha. when i go skool i sleep abit i oso nvr mind sei. cos can sleep in class. but work cant sleep somemore lyk so mani customers can. just nw at nite i swear lyk fuck can. super lot of ppl n they lyk blocking my way can. some customer oso lyk cock la wan tis wan tat. everytime must hold till i reach the store den scold them secretly sei. gonna go shopping nxt time to uy new yr clothes. finally can shop eh. den gonna go visit frens who are working. sure mock at them so pitiful still working, hah. wanna go sleep le. aint working tml, wohoo~
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
my 3rd day of work at some lousy place la. dun wanna name it, later sue by them, haha. the ppl dere all cmi wan except a few la. really a few onli can. tell them i quitting today already but must work till tis sunday. fuck sei super long can. must give 1 week notice, fuck to them. today break yf, kt, wc, lp n zy acc me for lunch. haha, thanx eh. first break in 3 days nvr feel lonely. today work nearly 10hrs can. damn boring n tiring sei. i swear i feel lyk scolding vulgarities at them today. tml oso quite fuck. 10.30am to 8pm. wth, 9 and a half hr. they somemore tell u the schedule at nite onli. i dun even noe when i off can. realli cannot stand working dere sei nt lyk tat bugger yitian still wan continue work to buy her stuffs, haha. tml ass working plaza too. knock off same time, haha. hope can go hme tgt la nt lyk today. ok gd luck to me tml. hope those suckers dun cock anymore.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
i've got a job again, it's under wingtai. hope can last long sei.
woke up morning meet sham n syahril go toa payoh community club dere for wingtai interview. dunno y they choose tat place sia. den take bus go, waste money sei. onli lyk 5-10mins walk frm toa payoh mrt. quite mani ppl interview dere, den wait lyk damn long sei. syahril nvr get, dunno y lei. he's the first one. somemore the person still tell him today no interview den ask him y before tat nvr go find job. den i tot quit useless already la but den i go the person nvr tell me all tat, haha. super happy n shocked can. sham get too, adidas. mine dunno wat shop la. i tink most likely is G200, Fox or dunno one shop. cos plaza sing onli gt these shops under wingtai. feel more lyk working for fox esp under kids section. sure damn gd wan sei. see fate lor, but i tink higher chance of getting G200.
nt gonna online so often. visit me at plaza sing eh, i'm gonna lead a lonely life alone, wahaha.
woke up morning meet sham n syahril go toa payoh community club dere for wingtai interview. dunno y they choose tat place sia. den take bus go, waste money sei. onli lyk 5-10mins walk frm toa payoh mrt. quite mani ppl interview dere, den wait lyk damn long sei. syahril nvr get, dunno y lei. he's the first one. somemore the person still tell him today no interview den ask him y before tat nvr go find job. den i tot quit useless already la but den i go the person nvr tell me all tat, haha. super happy n shocked can. sham get too, adidas. mine dunno wat shop la. i tink most likely is G200, Fox or dunno one shop. cos plaza sing onli gt these shops under wingtai. feel more lyk working for fox esp under kids section. sure damn gd wan sei. see fate lor, but i tink higher chance of getting G200.
nt gonna online so often. visit me at plaza sing eh, i'm gonna lead a lonely life alone, wahaha.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
a start of a new yr eh=) hope tis yr will be better. coundown at hme, hah. watch the countdown in taiwan, their fireworks are seriously better n nice than spore. damn nice la, all those colours n patterns. their ppl are oso super lot, it's millions of ppl. n the show is nicer of cos, haha. seems lyk i'm nt a loyal sporean eh. near 3am sei but my eyes still nt tired. i'm used to sleeping at 4 or 5am since o's lvl ended. will be hard to adapt if i'm working. sham say gonna run to look for a job after today which is a new yr cos we look super pathetic without a job. i'm gg to be 18 soon['how soon? SELINA SOON!']abt 8 more months la, haha. sound quite far, but time pass veri fast so no worries. and soon, i'll be old. now i feel lyk going skool sei, i lyk mention a lot of times already. i noe some of u oso have the same feeling as me, dun deny ok.
i miss the chicken rice i usually will eat wif the usual gang.
i miss my frens too esp PRISCILLA LEE YIH FANG FANG FANG~ she must be feeling sssssuper happy la cos i seldom miss her, ah haha. thanx to her oso la make my skool life fun. i rmb when she was sec one her face lyk cock can, super bu shuang de face la, haha. n i rmb the hotdog bread thing la, so paiseh sei. but nt close wif her in sec one cos of tat face=_=''' gt close wif her tink in mid sec two ba. i kinda turn bad during sec two, maybe she teach me wan la. we sometimes cant go recess cos we nvr do maths homework. our positions in klass owaes behind or infront one another one, hah. i oso dunno y la, must be she copy me den miss out a few ans. gt separated in mid sec4. i went another klass n she stays. i noe she miss me alot alot during tat time. it must be hard for her to get thru, wahaha. but we still hang tgt during recess for our favourite chicken rice=) ok let me say some touching words to you la. eh, i cant tink of anything to say sei but u understand wan la, confirm wan. catch up wif u some day eh. hope we will go to the same skool after tis=)
not to forget the cliques in 5/3. if nvr mention u all how can sei. when i join 4/4, i really dun lyk tat class, haha. for some reasons la. but den made some frens in tat yr adn when cum to sec5, we became united. i noe all of us nvr regret we are in 5/3, con..con..confirm.[ah fai's slogan] we play tgt, work tgt n skip lessons or remedials tgt, wahaha. we are most united when doing bad things. when i owaes wan to chabot things, surely look for mr kun, mr yang of mr ahsham wan, haha. they are most supportive of these kind of things wan. we can run away just becos we wanna eat, haha. den liping will be the one staying at klass, haha. cos she mostly will be see by teachers, haha. quite bad la leave her behind. we cant resist the temptation of food, wahaha. let see all of u in ite eh. most say dover. so we will becum dover-sian~
ok my hands are tired now. bye n gd nite!!!
a start of a new yr eh=) hope tis yr will be better. coundown at hme, hah. watch the countdown in taiwan, their fireworks are seriously better n nice than spore. damn nice la, all those colours n patterns. their ppl are oso super lot, it's millions of ppl. n the show is nicer of cos, haha. seems lyk i'm nt a loyal sporean eh. near 3am sei but my eyes still nt tired. i'm used to sleeping at 4 or 5am since o's lvl ended. will be hard to adapt if i'm working. sham say gonna run to look for a job after today which is a new yr cos we look super pathetic without a job. i'm gg to be 18 soon['how soon? SELINA SOON!']abt 8 more months la, haha. sound quite far, but time pass veri fast so no worries. and soon, i'll be old. now i feel lyk going skool sei, i lyk mention a lot of times already. i noe some of u oso have the same feeling as me, dun deny ok.
i miss the chicken rice i usually will eat wif the usual gang.
i miss my frens too esp PRISCILLA LEE YIH FANG FANG FANG~ she must be feeling sssssuper happy la cos i seldom miss her, ah haha. thanx to her oso la make my skool life fun. i rmb when she was sec one her face lyk cock can, super bu shuang de face la, haha. n i rmb the hotdog bread thing la, so paiseh sei. but nt close wif her in sec one cos of tat face=_=''' gt close wif her tink in mid sec two ba. i kinda turn bad during sec two, maybe she teach me wan la. we sometimes cant go recess cos we nvr do maths homework. our positions in klass owaes behind or infront one another one, hah. i oso dunno y la, must be she copy me den miss out a few ans. gt separated in mid sec4. i went another klass n she stays. i noe she miss me alot alot during tat time. it must be hard for her to get thru, wahaha. but we still hang tgt during recess for our favourite chicken rice=) ok let me say some touching words to you la. eh, i cant tink of anything to say sei but u understand wan la, confirm wan. catch up wif u some day eh. hope we will go to the same skool after tis=)
not to forget the cliques in 5/3. if nvr mention u all how can sei. when i join 4/4, i really dun lyk tat class, haha. for some reasons la. but den made some frens in tat yr adn when cum to sec5, we became united. i noe all of us nvr regret we are in 5/3, con..con..confirm.[ah fai's slogan] we play tgt, work tgt n skip lessons or remedials tgt, wahaha. we are most united when doing bad things. when i owaes wan to chabot things, surely look for mr kun, mr yang of mr ahsham wan, haha. they are most supportive of these kind of things wan. we can run away just becos we wanna eat, haha. den liping will be the one staying at klass, haha. cos she mostly will be see by teachers, haha. quite bad la leave her behind. we cant resist the temptation of food, wahaha. let see all of u in ite eh. most say dover. so we will becum dover-sian~
ok my hands are tired now. bye n gd nite!!!
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