okay fuck i just erase all the things i wrote i just one second. so i have to repeat all over again, wtf. i'm just back frm outing. a funni thing happen. was suppose to go to cine to meet up wif them but den realise i dunno how to go dere frm heeren, wahaha. i noe i'm stupid but sometimes ppl tend to be forgetful can. so call up liping n ask her, haha. i noe it's opposite but who noes the building cannot be seen frm heeren, haha. kbox till 7plus den head to a jap restaurant in taka. the price of the food dere is wonderful can. but of cos the food taste nice la except the soup too salty onli. i wonder if they add some 'special' ingredients in it, haha. chatted in dere becos mr toh is so worried abt his future in poly. cant tok much today cos of tat bloody ulcer on my tongue. althought onli little ppl went today but still fun la cos seldom get to hang together cos they say i've been mia-ing since last yr october or so, haha. i feel so weird repeating it all over again. the 'mood' to blog gone can. my blog have virus? hah, din realise it. den everyone who visit my blog can say goodbye man.